Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Iain Simons

Iain Simons is now an event producer, researcher and a festival director for one of Nottingham's biggest festivals, GameCity which started in 2006 and is now held annually in Market Square. The festival is for gamers and non-gamers to come together in Nottingham and play some of the most up to date games and play on the newest consoles. 
All types of creative designs are involved, including dance, architecture, art and sometimes theatre designers who help create the surroundings and atmosphere of the game by bringing parts of the game to life. Simons wanted  people of all ages to have the opportunity to try the finished products and have fun at the same time. Before Simons came up with the idea for GameCity he had many different jobs including a piano player, performer, follow spot in a theatre, musician, writer and once was a journalist for video games which meant playing and reviewing them.
Iain Simons talked about making your self known, write a book, send emails, ask around, create propsals and invoices as this all adds up on your CV and is great for gaining experience.
The idea of bringing people together through videos games is something that could keep growing and developing into something much bigger than what it is today as new games and technology are always being released.

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